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Our Scout Corneal topographer is a unique tool that maps the shape of the corneal surface, it is used to custom fit any type of contact lens that our doctors prescribe.

This office offers Wave Contact Lenses. Wave's special video camera and software digitally maps your cornea with thousands of data points. We use the Wave Contact lens fitting system for difficult eye conditions including: keratoconus, corneal transplants, post LASIK vision problems, corneal irregularities due to injury, high myopia or any irregular vision conditions.

We offer corneal reshaping to eliminate the need for contact lenses or glasses during the day.

Synergeyes - is a rigid gas perm center with a soft lens skirt to provide gas perm superior optics and soft lens comfort.

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Soft Contact Lenses

We Provide:

  • We have thousands of contact lenses in stock. We can fit you into a diagnostic set of contacts today, that matches your prescription including disposable single vision, soft toric for astigmatism, soft bifocal, daily disposable, extended wear, and colored contact lenses.

  • Do you wear rigid gas perm or hard lenses? The doctors at Eye Care professionals routinely fit them along with a variety of other types of specialty contact lenses.
Hard Contact Lenses

  • You have 3 convenient ways to purchase your contact lenses :

    Simply stop by and we typically with have your year's supply of contact lenses waiting for you, or if you prefer pick up the phone and we can mail them to you. It is also quite simple to order online. Click the Reorder Contact Lenses Link at the top of the page and follow the simple instructions and they will be at your doorstep before you know it.